Biki's Aviary

Exotic Bird Keeping & Breeding Tips

Hi bird lovers, I’m Biki Dey from Barasat. I'm a Seo expert by profession & exotic birds breeder. I really like to spend time with Pc games, Watching movies, hang around with friends. And my main hobby is keeping & breeding exotic birds. Today I got to tell you ways I involved in bird keeping. I really like animals since my childhood. In my office, one of my colleagues was a bird breeder at that point. at some point, I visit his aviary. He keeps love birds, Budgies, cockatiels, finches, and Javas. I just loved his setup. Then I made a decision that I also keep birds. So 2012 I brought 1 pair of budgies. the subsequent day I brought another one. The journey stated. From that day I just await once they breed. on the other hand, didn’t. I don't know why they didn’t breed. So I started reading blogs, asked for help from senior breeders, and began learning about bird keeping & breeding. Finally after 9 months, one morning I saw the first egg within the pot. I even have no words to precise the happiness. I got 4 babies that point . the opposite pair also breed and that I got 3 babies from that pair. From 2pair budgies, I got 7 babies. Then I sold 7 babies and brought 2 pairs of semi-adult budgies. When my 4 pair budgies breed well and got many babies I sold all of them and brought 1 pair lovebird. within the same way, I brought many pairs lovebirds, cockatiels, finches. I breed love birds, cockatiels, finches for 7 years. In these years I learn more about birds keeping & breeding. and that I also started a Facebook page named “Pet’s Day Out” to assist others. Then I made a decision to stay with some big birds like Conures. I started learning again to understand more about conures from my seniors, blogs, and Youtube. And also brought some conures. They also breed well. From 2019 to today I just breed conures. I really like to stay them. Now I getting to buy other birds.

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